Good Life

As he handed me the ticket, I noticed the tattoos on his hand. I gulped. This wasn’t going to be a journey like any other I have been on. This was going to be different.

I had finally made a decision after going back and forth a million times. Now I had to stick by what I had done. I had to kill that bastard to escape this abuse.

As he handed me the change, he said, “Have a good day”. I smiled and said, “And a good life.”


mysterious gal said...

This was different and totally creative. Something unlike most fictions i come across.....A bit of on Thought proving and yet worth it! Loved this style and the imaginative streak it leaves to the readers!

Keep writing!

Tweety said...

dont u knw my reaction to dis already...nywys hope u also have good life..

Yellow Tulip said...

have a safe n sound journey ahead!!...:)..nice one...but y kill?!

Anonymous said...

say, nice fiction mishka!

i got a bit confused though! :)